Mesobolin – Is Mesobolin a Steroid or Not?

An anabolic steroid is a steroid, such as testosterone, that induces muscle growth. Anabolic steroid is a familiar word with typically negative connotations. You may think of bulked muscle bound guys with high pitched voices or the often mentioned ‘roid rage how to get rid of gynecomastia without surgery. Both are actually not uncommon side effects of anabolic steroid use. I think you can understand why people are touting Mesobolin as the anabolic steroid replacement. It is plant derived, more effective than synthetic anabolic steroids and there are no side effects.

The problems with anabolic steroids may not be well known to those outside of the weight lifting, body building athletes. In the United States illegal importation of a Schedule III anabolic steroid is a violation of the CSA that may result in imprisonment and fines How to get rid of man boobs naturally. The biggest problem with anabolic steroids is abuse and addiction. An anabolic steroid is a synthetic drug that artificially increases the body’s testosterone, with devastating side effects to long term users.

A 90-day study of anabolic steroids shows no evidence of carcinogenicity, but published data indicate that this anabolic steroid is a promoter of rat liver carcinogenesis. Anabolic steroid side effects are not all reversible. Some of the side effects from steroids can be very serious and even fatal. The use of multiple drugs greatly increases side effects and risks to the user side effects of phentermine. Common side effects are bloating, gynocomastia (man boobs), acne, euphoria, confusion, sleeping disorders, pathological anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, aggression, wild mood swings involving violence, and liver toxicity.